133 Mission Street Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Phone (831) 429-3410 | Fax (831) 429-3439

"We love the sense of community & excellent teachers at Westlake.​
Eli Karon
Westlake Parent
“My son has had an amazing start at Bayview.
His spark is back. He loves school. He loves his teacher. As a parent, I feel like I couldn’t have made a better choice for him.”
Courtney Jones
Bay View Parent
"The Gault community is unmatched.
From the moment we stepped on campus we felt like we were part of a family.​ Thank you for making our transition to TK so fantastic!"
Larissa Adams
Gault TK Parent
"We are so grateful for the heart & brilliance of the staff at DeLaveaga.
They make THE difference in growing the intellectual & emotional intelligence of our child!"​
Damian Parr
DeLaveaga Parent
"The community of families is so welcoming & helpful.
Both of our boys’ teachers are so warm, dedicated, & available."
Melanie Munir
TK Parent

Start in Play!
Transitional Kindergarten is built as a developmentally appropriate, play-centric entry into school. The goal of the year is to build relationships, guide social/emotional development and establish a belonging, happy relationship with school.
With a curriculum focused on play and exploring the social environment, TK is designed to be a safe developmental space for children to build relationships.
Early Learning
​Here before more specific curricular goals are part of the classroom, the learning focus is on exploration.
We explore reading and phonics: letters, sounds, blends, words, and reading!​ We explore math: numbers and more numbers! Counting, matching, adding, subtraction, composing and decomposing numbers to ten, patterns, shapes and basic number sense.
We explore Social Studies: Science and Social and Emotional Development: hands on projects woven into the day. We explore language arts and English Language Development for students learning English.
We also explore CS and Digital literacy: students get introduction to foundational concepts of digital literacy.

Garden Learning
It's important that TK students learn beyond a classroom. In our Life Lab gardens at every elementary school, our youngest students get the regular opportunity for hands-on science, ecology and nutrition learning.
All TK students visit the garden in small groups with their class to get their hands dirty, learn about life cycles and biology.
Lessons include scientific observation and illustration, science experiments, planting, growing, and harvesting seasonal fruits and vegetables, and even preparing and tasting food together!
Art & Music
Art and Music are integrated all throughout the day in all classrooms, but our TK students get to have dedicated art & music classes as well, providing time to explore their creativity.
With dedicated classrooms and teachers for Art & Music, our TK students get to go beyond their own classroom throughout the week where they have space and time to focus on creative expression and fine motor skills.

Learning Library
For our TK students, the school Library is more than just a vital place for the peaceful reflection, rest and safety that every student needs from time to time. It is also a gateway to navigating not only literacy, but an understanding of how to safely and responsibly interact with the internet.
The library is another stop in our TK students' week, where Credentialed Teacher Librarians read to students and help develop a love of reading. Later in Elementary, they will also teach curriculum to develop a healthy relationship with the internet and technology, teaching best practices for our students to protect themselves and grow their knowledge in using technology and online resources.
The TK Day
The Morning
Welcome: songs, calendars, movement
Reading & literacy exploration: direct and free choice activities around early literacy skills including letter recognition and phonics
Free play centers: dramatic play, sensory tables, building, blocks, and other fun things related to the themes in the literacy blocks
Recess & Snack
After Recess
Math explorations: direct and free choice activities around building numeracy
Free play centers--dramatic play, sensory tables, building, blocks, and other fun things related to science and math themes
Lunch & Recess
Quiet activity time
Science and social studies activities
Choice Time/ Tiempo de Elección

After School
All TK families have access to affordable after school enrichment & activities. Our program is run by an experienced team of educators who cooperate with core teaching staff to maximize student enrichment.
We're proud to offer these programs to all families, to help our students' development and support our families all day.
We welcome families into the learning environment all through elementary, but especially here at the start of the school experience! There are a wonderful variety of ways to get involved: from helping in class to chaperoning at field trips, to helping on campus or supporting your teacher in a variety of ways, our doors are open.
We can get you cleared and certified to volunteer in person at school very quickly.